Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Thu, Jul 13, 2000, 1:00am From:
Proposal: alt.discuss.activist.fighting-spam
Charter for alt.discuss.activist.fighting-spam:
"This group is for learning to combat spammers, read their headers, and find their ISPs. It will be a resource for the WebTV community to help fight spam."
This group will be for information about fighting spam. We can teach each other how to stop spammers. Like using this tool or many others. "" this helps track them down. Most spammers hide who they are. But they do leave a track behind. Its hidden in the headers of their messages. You have to bounce most of the messages to read these headers. We did have a spam fighting group. Just nobody got involved with it. This time I plan on teaching people how to fight back. We can stop most of it. But only if we all work together. Everyone is welcome except those few spammers we have on webtv from time to time. Ok now lets fight the spammers. Its up to everybody and we all hate SPAM. We will work together and feel good doing so.
Creation Date: July 21, 2000