Charter for alt.discuss.artistic.html
I would like this group to be about html being used an an art form. This group should inspire people to become html artists. This group should be used for the harvesting of html art to be applied to web pages; these web pages should then be advertised accordingly and then a ring should be formed.
Revised Charter for alt.discuss.artistic.html
Big and/or Beautiful, etc. at "alt.discuss.artistic.html"
-All Existing I.S.P. And Netiquette Rules Apply-
Group Rule No. 1. Thank God For Our Artistic Nature.
Group Rule No. 2. There Are No Rules - We Are Artists - except for this after-thought rule: When you land on a post reload and besure to watch your loading window on the very lower, right corner of your tv to make sure the poster's art is fully loaded before you begin to scroll so as not to miss the theme. If the post is taking too long, skip to the next one, then come back to it as it will now be in your catch and should load more quickly.
Need For Proposed Group:
We do have a lot of html learning groups that cover everything. These groups are for all, including business. There are some posters in these groups that are in a hurry and not interested in art and are actually irritated by the more beautiful, slow-loading posts (for good cause), and voice their opinion, to which they are entitled.
I feel these groups, as fine as they are for their purpose, can retard the artistic nature of the artistic individual.
Html as an art form, has a lot going against it from within and without; (complaints of slow-load within and band width without). Art in any form seems to bring out the devil in many. All of this is no inducement to art; so we need our own live gallery to which we can run and feel warm, safe and inspired; that i wish upon a star will be alt.discuss.artistic.html.
Founders Hopes, Dreams and Expectations: We shall glean the internet, including web tv; do art on our computers; send in art to be commercially scanned or whatever method; take it to our group in our sig.; show and tell it off; then from this we harvest ideas for our personal webpages of html as an art form etc. (or what ever you desire), and then form a ring of happy campers.
Our debates (flames) shall be of a highly cultured nature, and evaluated on their artistic flare by the critiques, and like all thunder/lightening storms, will be forgotten and forgiven as quickly as possible without rumbles from spawned storms.
Every one and every thing is pre-forgiven. Exceptional fanfares of display shall be appreciated by all.
Off-beat topics will be considered a break in the weather; and enjoyed and/or endured by all; and allowed to blow themselves out at there own pace. Or, if you wish we may try to be the first to stop a Spring shower.
The "really big" loads of gleanings brought into the group may (if desired) have a slow-load warning on the subject line, if we expect it will take 'till Christmas to load.
We shall relentlessly introduce to the world this, html-as-an-art-form, in our webpages, which is what our third goal shall be.
Our second goal is to create art.
Our first goal will be to the senses (to feast our ears and eyes and enjoy the beauty of it all).
The End
Creation Date: Oct 3, 1998