Group: alt.discuss.config Date: Thu, Sep 16, 1999, 3:40pm From:
Proposal for the creation of
The charter for the group is as follows: Dedcated to anything and everything involving all Volkswagen cars, vans, and trucks. Topics of discussion will include; news, info, the posting of pictures, and tech help for any problems you may have with your VeeWee or VeeWees.
The rules:
1. No spam. Any spam will be reported to
2. No flaming.
3. Don't participate in a thread that started as a flame to the group or someone in the group.
4. No off-topic posting unless you place an "OT" in the subject line of your post. MOST IMPORTANTLY "HAVE FUN!" has been deleted had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Sept 24, 1999
Deletion Date: Aug 2000