Charter for alt.discuss.config.newtons
The group has shown that there is a viable interest in getting into indepth discussions/debates of the issues that are brought up here at config, but go beyond on-topic for this group or contribute to it's disruption. Since the group is not about discussing the no-rules groups, but the alt.discuss hierarchy, this proposal has been made to place this group within the existing hierarchy topic that it does cover.
Before you vote NO just to spite me, let me assure you that those of you most against what the regulars do here at config will be MOST invited to come and debate/discuss these issues, and will be the primary focus of the group. Those of you who advocate free speech for all should welcome this attempt to establish a forum for each end of the spectrum to "butt heads" and flog as long as necessary.
Should you doubt the sincerity of my proposal, I invite you to go back and read my posting: "Whew!(You should read this)" and I gladly utilize my "one proposal per box" for this time frame for this very worthy cause.
Regardless of what you think of me, this group is not about me, but a common topic I think we all can agree on would be hot. Flames and trolls are inevitable, and they'll just go in with the rest of the discussions.
Discription of alt.discuss.config.newtons
This group is intended for in-depth discussions/debates of the issues brought up in alt.discuss.config: especially those issues which go off-topic in that group, or which contribute to its disruption.
Creation Date: Sept 21, 1998