Charter for
Please help us to right the wrong that Webtv committed against a group of posters today. This newsgroup will be used by a very under represented group of women that subscribe to Webtv. The group will be used for conversation, support, sharing life events, political and social discussions, and whatever else we can think to do with it. With the demise of the hierarchy, also came the demise of the group that we were settling into named and this new newsgroup will be taking the place of this group. There should be a sense of respect among the posters for one another. So we hope to keep the topics friendly. Thanks for your consideration. Maggie
Group: Date: Sat, Jul 10, 1999, 2:35pm From: (Maggie)
Group FAQ
This forum is about and for lesbians and bi-sexual women. This is a non-moderated forum, so we ask that people choosing to post here act like adults and treat one another with respect. We welcome women and men here, but there are a few minor rules that we respectfully request be honored.
This group is for members of the GLBT community to use. It is primarily a LESBIAN and BI-SEXUAL WOMEN's group. Our gay male friends are welcome to join in as are our straight, but not narrow friends. This group is to be used in a constructive and supportive manner. It is supposed to be a fun place to meet and greet and have some fun!!! We will hold Sunday Nite chats on the Talk City IRC server in room name Parafrenic at 8pm EST everyweek.
We acknowledge that this is an adult topic and ask that all posters at least 18 years of age to post.
We will not tolerate intentional flaming and troll like behaviors among our posters. Anyone that behaves in such a manner as to violate the Web tv TOS will be subject to report to the proper Web tv authoritites by their fellow posters. The proper addys to report violations are guardian@corp.web or and we hope that these reports will be honored with action by the Web tv server staff. And in conjunction with this, we agree as posters to this forum that we will not respond in the open forum to the offenders. If you feel the need to respond to these jerks, do it in email, but in the group, please ignore the jerks!!!
This is not a place for ANYONE to place personal ads!!! So we ask that straights and bi's to refrain from advertising in our group for a woman to help jazz-up their sex lives. This is not that sort of group.
This is also not a binaries group. HTML in the sig of a post is ok and we expect that there maybe a certain amount of adult content, but posting pics of naked people in mass numbers is not what we want to have in this group. Sometimes alot of naked pictures attract trolls, or so it has be thought in by many in previous groups. This is supposed to be a fun place to share with one another and learn about each other via the Web tv. Let's make it happen!!!
Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Sun, Jan 21, 2001, 1:12am From:
Deleted: had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Sept 22, 1998
Deletion Date: Jan 21, 2001