Group: alt.discuss Date: Thu, Jan 20, 2000, 8:12pm From:
Charter for
The purpose and topic of this newsgroup is Prostates. discussions on prostates, prostate health, prostate exams, man to man tips, and uplifting the awareness of prostates and their merits,etc. one main focus of the newsgroup shall be getting the prostate back into health. there shall be no exculsionary rules other than no flaming and no personal attacks on individual users will be allowed. off topic posts and threads are discouraged. *articles* and *URL's* pertaining to prostates, prostate matters, men, sons etc are allowed in this newsgroup and are encouraged as a way to show men current events happening in prostate and male matters, and also to premote discussions on the articles and ideas they present. international mens groups, national mens groups, fatherhood groups, all have some good information that can be shared in the group, so articles from them are encouraged to be posted. any helpful info is appreciated. this group is *primarily for men*, but all are welcome to join in as long as the rules of the terms of service and the guidelines of the charter and soon to be made FAQ are followed. there is no exclusions here, all are welcome. trolls are to be ignored, the terms of service will be strictly upheld and all violations will be reported without notice. this is a serious topical newsgroup on prostates and the issues pertaining to prostates. has been deleted had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Jan 28, 2000
Deletion Date: July 2000