Charter for alt.discuss.hobbies.bird.watching
This will be a friendly group for those who have an interest in discussing birds; where to find them, trips to observe them and tips to identify them better. Backyard birding is definitely as aspect of this group. This will be for the beginner as well as the advanced birder. We'll help each other enjoy birds more.
Revised Charter
Welcome to: alt.discuss.hobbies.bird.watching.
I know you all want to make Web TV's first news group concerned with the birds we love a big success. I think this group will be wonderful! You can use this news group to:
Offer opinions about all aspects of birdwatching - favorite birds and places to find them, identification, backyard birding, personal feelings about birds, equipment, including field guides, perhaps even video shots,photos, drawings, etc.
Ask questions about the above in the spirit of helping each other increase our knowledge of birds.
Hopefully, there won't need for alot of rules. Here are a few suggestions to facilitate better communication:
Please use a subject title that clearly describes the contents of your message.
Attempt to keep your message short, concise, and to the point.
Try to use paragraph breaks as much as possible. If a comment or reply to a posting is relevant only for the original poster and not to the general group consider mailing directly to the original poster rather than posting to the entire group.
Be nice! Posts are expected to reflect common standards of civility and taste. If you disagree with others, do so in a courteous and constructive manner.
Try not to respond AT ALL to the occasional poster who includes remarks obviously intended to anger, confuse, or divide the group (trolls). These people want attention. Don't give it to them!
Be aware that there will be birders at all levels of learning in our group. Try to help those who don't have the experience you do.
Thank you, and now, let's talk about birds!
Creation Date: Sept 20, 1998