Group: alt.discuss Date: Fri, Nov 12, 1999, 8:10am From:
Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.hobbies.crafts.needlework
Proposal for alt.discuss.hobbies.crafts.needlework from Kallie3
A forum for the discussion of those activities commonly referred to as the needlecrafts, i.e. crochet, embroidery, plastic canvas stitchery, quilting, latchhooking, beadwork etc Examples of postings that would be appropriate and welcome in this forum:
Questions-If you are stuck on a project, don't know how to do a stitch, or searching for a pattern or instructions for a project, ask and someone may have your answer.
Hints and Tips -Share what you have learned about needlework with others.
Website locations-If you have a homepage dealing with info on needlework and crafts or know of good websites, please share your links.A word of caution- post a link to copyrighted patterns rather than just copying a pattern. Designers like to receive credit for their work and being considerate of their requests encourages them to offer us even more free patterns. Activities-Do you participate in craft fairs, bazaars, craft clubs or organizations? Do you craft for charities? Please share your experiences.
Political or religious debate. There are other newsgroups in existence for those topics.
SPAM, meaning a post for the purpose of offering a service or item for profit. Craft related items can be posted at or
Creation Date: Nov 20, 1999