Group: alt.discuss Date: Tue, Dec 28, 1999, 4:18pm From:
Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.internet.share
Charter for alt.discuss.internet.share:
A motivational NewsGroup with emphasis on the sharing of "things" with other Webtver's we have come across during our sojourn on the web. Inclusive would be photos, news articles, local lore, and interesting Web sites we would like to share with others. Ideas, and feelings you feel will provoke others.
Group: alt.discuss Date: Fri, Dec 31, 1999, 6:43am From:
Modified charter for proposed newsgroup alt.discuss.internet.share
Modified charter for alt.discuss.internet.share:
A motivational NewsGroup with emphasis on the sharing of "things" with other Webtver's we have come across during our sojourn on the web. Inclusive would be photos, news articles, local lore, and interesting Web sites we would like to share with others. Ideas, and feelings you feel will provoke others through discussion of URL's found on the internet.
Creation Date: Jan 12, 2000