Group: alt.discuss.config Date: Thu, Oct 28, 1999, 11:40am From:
Proposal for the creation of
Charter and FAQ
This forum is for and about discussing the issues that pertain to lesbian and bi-sexual teens. This group is a TEENAGER based group.. No one over the age of 21, should post to this forum in any capacity other than that of a positive adult mentor. Once posters reach the age of 18 and over they are welcome to join the newsgroup But, until then, this group will serve the purpose of providing a space for these younger members of the GLBT community on Webtv to meet in a female centric space that is free of SPAM and intolerance.
This will be an un-moderated forum, so we ask that people choosing to post here treat one another with respect. We respectfully request that this remain primarily a female based group, but teen members of the GLBT community are welcomed here too. Also welcomed are open-minded straight, but not narrow, teenaged females and males. Admittedly, there are 2 other existing gay teen groups in the Webtv heirarchy. The groups are news:alt.discuss.gayteens and and both are primarily teenage gay male oriented groups. There are a few minor rules that we respectfully request be honored. This group is to be used in a constructive and supportive manner. It is supposed to be a safe place to meet and greet and have some fun!!!
Intentional SPAM postings, flaming, and troll like behaviors that are felt to be harrassment or other violations of the Webtv TOS among our posters will not be tolerated. Anyone that behaves in such a manner as to violate the Webtv TOS will be subject to report to the proper Webtv authoritites by their fellow posters. The proper addys to report violations are or and it is hoped that these reports will be honored with action by the Webtv server staff. And in conjunction with this, we agree as posters to this forum that we will not respond in the open forum to the offenders. If you feel the need to respond to these jerks, do it in email, but in the group, please ignore the trolls!!!
This is NOT a place for ANYONE to place personal ads!!! So, we ask that teens and adults alike, please refrain from advertising in this group. This is NOT a binaries group. HTML in the sig of a post is ok and we expect that the content will be age appropriate. Please refrain from posting with sigs with content that violates the Webtv TOS.
This group is supposed to be a place to have FUN...never forget that.
Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Tue, Nov 28, 2000, 1:13am From:
Deleted: had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Nov 5, 1999
Deletion Date: Nov 28, 2000