Charter for
An open forum for those dealing with the issue of suicide. This group will not judge if suicide is right or wrong but will be a place for those thinking of suicide to come post their thoughts. Those who have gone through similar life crises can share their thoughts with those thinking of suicide, and see how they may be able to overcome their suicidal thoughts. This group will differentiate between those with mental illness and those with painful and/or terminal illnesses. It will be a resource for those wanting to make a peaceful exit from this life because of a terminal or painful medical condition to get information of possible exit strategies. No advocacy for suicide for those with depression or other mental illnesses should be given and besides emotional support, the best place for those to get help is from a competent mental health professional. No suggestions dealing with illegal drugs should be posted in this group. Any website or other information dealing with the iss! ue of suicide or methods and sug gestions for commiting suicide are on-topic. Suicide is now legal in some states for the terminally ill and those who must live in pain. Suicide will probably become legal in many more in coming years and this group will help those dealing with this issue gather information and make am informed choice.