This newsgroup was not being used. Since there was no charter and the original proposer could not be found, an attempt to revitalize this group occured in April 1999. The current members of this group have submitted this charter.
January 22, 2000
Article I.
News:alt.discuss.support is a group that reaches out to all those in need of a supporting friend, a hug, a listening ear or a place where feelings, lifestyles, daily needs are respected in a non-confrontational setting.
Article II.
News:alt.discuss.support will offer support with the guiding hands of compassion and friendship and refrain from discussion that may cause hurt, embarrasement or make an individual feel a need to become defensive in nature. However, at the same time, we don't exclude any topics as long as the flow of discussion is of a caring and supportive nature.
Article III.
News:alt.discuss.support posts represent a main stream approach to emotional, spiritual and psychological support. By this we offer a mix of lightness along with a serious approach to dealing with emotional and physical needs. However we do not represent news:alt.discuss.support as professional counseling nor encourage it to be a replacement for professional psychological, medical, legal or spiritual help where dire need of these services would be consented to exist. We exist only for the sole purpose of offering first level support or early intervention or assistance in a non -threatening environment of compassion.
If any news:alt.discuss.support individual posters have needs greater then the emotional, spiritual or physical ability of the group to provide,we provide a directory of specialized groups that can work on the individual concerns in a more intensive setting. In other words, we try to keep our postings so they don't get too one-sided, or an emotional drain on other posters or lurkers and other group members can feel comfortable in receiving support for their individual needs.
Article V.
(a.) Spamming other group members or sending unsolicited e-mail by bulk means without first obtaining the permission of other group members is strongly discouraged by support group posters. However, encouragement of building long lasting e-mail friends with the consent of each other and not for the purpose of trolling or making attacks or unreasonable demands on the other persons life, time or well being is encouraged as being healthly for emotional, spiritual and physical well being.
(b.) Problems arising between group members or issues not part of this charter are handled by facilatators of the group and a core of long term posters whom have posted over a continuous two month period.
(c.) "The Golden Rule: "Do onto others as you would want them to do onto you" is the main guiding force in alt.discuss.support.
(d.) With the exception of article V of this charter all parts of this charter will remain fixed, article V..general guidelines may be changed with the general consensus of 75% of all posters on 1st day of each month. However all regular poster will be notified 3 days before any discussion of a change in Article 5 guidelines.