Proposal: alt.discuss.teen.websites
Charter for alt.discuss.teen.websites:
This is a group that would provide a place for teens to help each other with their websites. Teenagers could support other's websites by visiting them and then post opinions on the websites. Teens could also give each other advice on what to put or base a website on. Also, if anyone is having trouble w/the overall building of their websites they can post those questions too. Please, suggestions??
Group: alt.discuss Date: Mon, Jan 10, 2000, 6:54pm From:
Revised charter: alt.discuss.teen.websites
Charter for alt.discuss.teen.websites (revision 1):
This is a group that would provide a place for teens to help each other with their websites. Teenagers could support other's websites by visiting them and then post opinions on the websites. Teens could also give each other advice on what to put or base a website on. Also, if anyone is having trouble with the overall building of their websites they can post those questions too.