Proposal: alt.discuss.text-only.html
Charter for alt.discuss.text-only.html:
This is a TEXT-ONLY newsgroup for Quick HTML Help: including Questions, Comments, and Answers about HTML; and its related components, languages or scripts. Its primary purpose is for QUICK READING, which makes it unique to all other HTML newsgroups. Further, this ng creates a new, and much-needed, top level hierarchy called "text-only," for people who are searching for quick answers, and either don't want to wait, or don't have the time to wait for HTML-coded posts to load.
1. No HTML posts are allowed: including posts with pictures, images, graphics, buttons, audioscopes, or sound. In the event that something needs to be shown as an example, this is easily done without using HTML coding. Simply type the URL of a webpage to show it. (Fortunately, on WebTV, addresses that are typed in plain text are linkable, without having to use HTML) Sorry, but we cannot allow HTML to answer questions. It is not needed in most cases, and would certainly be abused.
2. Posts without messages are banned, including "TTT" or "To The Top" type posts.
3. Additionally, posts with subject matter similar to, and including: Congratulations, Happy Birthday, Happy Anniversary, Page Hit Totals (Counts), and Roll Calls are also prohibited. EXCEPTION: a short text link to advertise your website is allowed.
4. All replies to previous posts must be made by posting to the newsgroup (an email to a poster is strictly optional).
5. Hidden codes are also not allowed. These include HTML or other script codes. We welcome everyone to come and join us. Let's have fun learning HTML... the quick and easy way!
alt.discuss.text-only.html has been deleted
alt.discuss.text-only.html had no articles posted to it in 14 days.