Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.videogames.developers
Proposal for alt.discuss.videogames.developers from Dricas
This Group is proposed as a place where young and budding people who want to get into video gams can post their ideas for games, how to make games better and all related to games. The rule will be: No insulting someone because they don't like something you don't like. Be rational and thoughtfull.
No one named Tavis allowed!
Bring your own beer punks, cause I am NOT paying!! Thats pretty much the only rules to abide by. Well, like uh, vote yes for this, please, it'll save a dying child.. (Thats me!), okay, it'll just give me another place to post, but eh, isn't that all the world needs?
alt.discuss.vidoegames.developers has been deleted
alt.discuss.videogames.developers had no articles posted to it in 14 days.