Group: alt.discuss Date: Sun, Nov 14, 1999, 8:10am From:
Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.videogames.survival-horror
Proposal for alt.discuss.videogames.survival-horror from NullPS
This discussion group will be for the purpose of discussing survival horror games in a friendly and fun atmosphere. Games such as Resident Evil, Clocktower, Dino Crisis, and Silent Hill could all be the topics we discuss.
Differing opinions and open debate will be allowed and is welcome as long as it is done in a friendly manner. Flaming someone for having an opinion that differs from yours will NOT be allowed. Straying off topic will be allowed as long as it doesn't beome the norm of the discussion group.
Thank you very much
Patrick Null
Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Tue, Oct 23, 2001, 1:11am (PST+1) From:
Deleted: alt.discuss.videogames.survival-horror
alt.discuss.videogames.survival-horror had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Dec 7, 1999
Deletion Date: Oct 23, 2001