Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.webtv.dreamers
In no way is this a hacking newsgroup but rather one directed to the young and old at heart. To those who have ever sketched an idea they have had onto a cocktail napkin or briefly emphasized an idea before someone shattered their dreams saying it couldn't be done on a webtv box. Those before us: Paul Erickson, TipTup, VBScript, etc… who dreamed of an idea that could be done on webtv and proved those who disbelieved them wrong. This newsgroup is for those type of people, not to see what webtv does and doesn't let us do, but what our minds allow us to do on this webtv. Whether outlandish or not, a simple idea can prove to be most rewarding. Most everything discovered on webtv has been by accident and guessing, things like VBeepers and Pager+ have provided new thought and train of ideas to what can and can't be accomplished, but what CAN is the direction this newsgroup is intended for. In no way is this newsgroup intended for discussion of webtv files (like the things they track on us, gameplay, etc.) that has made other newsgroups boring because everyone is guessing what these are for. Somethings that are allowed: all ideas, whether outlandish or not, even the simplist can be most rewarding, discussion about the webtv network, how the ups and downs of it are and what on our part can be done to make it better (Pager+, VGames, etc…), moderate signatures, everything else is pretty much fair game. Some things that are not allowed: flaming, fighting, hatred of any kind, long to load signature files. This is the most expressive newsgroup regarding ideas that you/me/we have or have had that everyone has turned us down on. An alternative to can't. We CAN make a difference.
Group: alt.discuss Date: Mon, Nov 29, 1999, 1:10am From:
alt.discuss.webtv.dreamers has been deleted
alt.discuss.webtv.dreamers had no articles posted to it in 14 days.