CHARTER: alt.discuss.webtv.privacy
This group will serve as a meeting place for webtv users concerned about current and future invasions of our privacy posed by our on-line usage generally, but especially by our usage of the WTV network. More specifically, the group will focus on the privacy policies of WTV as well as how our privacy is protected or violated in WTV's partnership agreements with third parties.The group will also monitor the ever-changing Terms Of Service (TOS) and the press for relevant changes in WTV policy.
While all on-topic viewpoints will be welcome, the group's main intent is to serve as a PRO-privacy watchdog group for the WTV Network.
The group's mission also includes serving as a clearing house for accurate information for the webtv community, educating other webtv users on the issues, possible creation of a mailing list and newsletter, as well as to organize grassroots efforts to positively affect WTV privacy policies.
A copy of this Charter will be posted at least once a month or as needed. It may also be e-mailed as necessary to those posting off-topic posts.