Proposal for the creation of
To help webtv users out with anything & everything about webtv. People can ask questions & can expect to get answers. The newest hottest tricks, tips, secrets, and other goodies will be posted, along with lots of other
Updated Charter as of 6-4-99
This group is designated to help webtv users out with anything & everything about webtv. People can ask questions & can expect to get answers. The newest hottest tricks, tips, secrets, and other goodies will be posted, along with lots of other help. Everyone is welcome to ask anything!
The newsgroup will not support flames and no "trolls" or flamers are allowed and better not think about flaming here. We will also discuss and trade new secrets and tricks for WebTV and anyone's opinions or theories of wtv are welcome. has been deleted had no articles posted to it in 14 days.