Group: alt.discuss.config Date: Wed, May 5, 1999, 2:40pm From:
Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.webtv.technical
Proposed Charter alt.discuss.webtv.technical
This group will host technical discussions on the operations of the WTV network.
This NG is for professionals and advanced programming enthusiasts who wish to discuss technical network operations, hardware, software, Client functionality, security, and the nature of the WNI network interface with the Net. Dialog with WNI techniical staff will be encouraged. While all are welcome, all should be aware that this NG is intended for serious on-topic discussion only.... though it is also understood that NGs serve a social networking function for like-minded individuals. For example, on-topic humor is acceptable.
This NG is NOT a hacking, cracking, bomb-building, or pheaking NG and those interested in encouraging such activities can go to existing NGs. Formal complaints to abuse will be made in the case of ANY behavior disruptive to the proper functioning of this NG.
This is NOT an HTML-friendly NG. Unless there is a valid reason, ALL sigs with embeds to the web (including to one's own homepage) MUST BE SHUT OFF off before posting. Absolutely NO RAM in sigs is permitted.
The NG Charter will be posted at least once a month or as needed.
Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Thu, Apr 19, 2001, 1:12am From:
Deleted: alt.discuss.webtv.technical
alt.discuss.webtv.technical had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: May 17, 1999
Deletion Date: Apr 19, 2001