Proposal for the creation of alt.discuss.writing.dear-diary
Alt.Discuss.Writing.Dear-Diary is a real, virtual diary. No troll problems, because you don't respond to each other. You can, who can stop you? But the idea is not to respond, or even really read. You know we all will though. It's your diary. Each day, you record your thoughts. You don't have to read anyone else's posts. No obligations. No Anything. Foul language is no problem. Let it rip! No one will netcop you, because it's your diary. Only a troll would ask you a question about your personal business, so you got their number right up front. No mistaking it. Because it's your diary, not a discuss, flame or debate group.
A place where you could just post your thoughts, and not really have to answer a question, or interact, just post because you want to post something. A little change of style and pace. And others will get a kick out of reading it. Like when you read your sister's diary. A legal sort of voyeurism.
It's a success, even if only two people post once a day. It's a bonus, if lots of people post once a day. It doesn't matter, because it's a diary. Your diary. No rules, no regulations, nothing but you, your thoughts, your one single post a day.
Get something off your chest. Savor a good thought. Cry, whine, or rant and rave, or any thing you want. It'll be the last thing before you turn off the webbie, or the first thing when you turn on the webbie. And it's your diary.
It would be great, if it was all one thread. Just Dear Diary, in the subject line each post. That way, makes it like we really do have a written, or typwritten diary. It makes it unique also. HTML to decorate your thoughts would be like having an art gallery, so that is bonus too. Hope you all enjoy
alt.discuss.writing.dear-diary has been deleted
alt.discuss.writing.dear-diary had no articles posted to it in 14 days.