Charter for alt.discuss.20something
I think this group will be the only one I have seen in the alt.discuss area,just a idea for a fun place for the 20+ year olds to meet and talk about things us 2oplus people have going on.....
Discription of alt.discuss.20something
As you go from news group to news group looking for a "home," the regular posters of 20something wish your company in our home.
This is an alt.discuss group that we would hope will be a fun, friendly place to share your life and see the lives of others.
We hope this to be a place where no person is better than any other person. Not judgemental, overbearing, or controlling, you won't find that here.
This is a general discussion group and very little is off topic here, but flames will not be tolerated in any form.
Look through the posts, answer some posts, or post a few of your own. Remember we want you to feel at home here as well.
Group: alt.discuss.config.announce Date: Thu, Mar 1, 2001, 1:10am From:
Deleted: alt.discuss.20something
alt.discuss.20something had no articles posted to it in 14 days.
Creation Date: Oct 11, 1998
Deletion Date: Mar 1, 2001